Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Why I Am Anti-Republican

"What did Liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party?

I'll tell you what they did.  

Liberals got women the right to vote.
Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly
people out of poverty.
Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act,
the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act.
the Clean Water Act.

What did Conservatives do?
They opposed them on every one of those things.

Every One!

So when you hurl that label at my feet,
"Liberal," as if it were something to be ashamed of,
something dirty, something to run away from,
it won't work, because I will pick up that label
and I will wear it as a badge of honor."

Lawrence O'Donnell, Jr.


In other words, Liberals tend to be decent people.

Conservatives, on the other hand, are most frequently survivors of parental abuse, usually both physical and emotional abuse.  By abuse I mean anything from physical brutality to emotional abandonment, to alcoholism, to addiction of any kind.

Bad treatment creates good authoritarians.

And Conservatives are authoritarian or they are nothing.  The abused children inevitably will say "My parents were wonderful people.  And they treated me better than I deserved."

But their attachment to the status quo tells what actually happened.  Severe paternal abuse, most often a combination of physical and mental and emotional abuse produces the best Marines, for example.  Marines are brutalized/brutalizing units who are good for nothing but following orders and killing an enemy who is not their enemy, but the enemy of a bunch of greedy, old men whom these young men/units will never know.  Sounds like robots to me.

Back to the abusive father, and sometimes the mother, as well; how they will inevitably explain that he or she was just trying to teach his son how to be a real man in a harsh world.  And with those words, the speaker has pronounced his own guilt.  They are his confession that he, too, was severely punished by his father.  This horrific kind of abusive parenting is all too common and has produced a kind of citizenry that we cannot afford to have in this country.


Now let's take a look at a teen handicapped girl horse whipped by her father.  This is very graphic and hard to watch, even as the father's language becomes more sadistic and sexual. I counted nine uses of the word fuck. I wonder what was on his mind. And like the true sadist, he ends up saying, "You caused this!"

An act of brutality that not even a hardened criminal would contemplate.  And she did it.




One is not surprised that this is representative of the sort of thing which passes for decent behavior in respectable families in Texas. The man is a judge. A "pillar" of the community. An arbiter of local morality and morés. One who has vowed to dispense justice.

One hopes that he has been relieved of his duties concerning his work in Child Protective Services. But a quick read of this article in the Huff Post tells a different story.  Fascinating how the Roman Catholic Church, and I am not a big fan of the Roman Church, (my Jesuit Brother, excepted) is under such terrible fire with lawyers demanding obscene amounts of money, in the multi-millions, in recompense for things that happened to young men 20 years ago; but for this handicapped young woman, the statute of limitations has run out.

The father, one Judge William Adams had the effrontery to publish a statement of his version. Quelle surprise!  It was his daughter's fault.  All of it.

Right, Billy Boy. You just stick to that story.  

It is with horror, but again, no real surprise, that the police spokesman reported that no action will be taken against the judge.

Apparently, handicapped teenage girls who are brutalized by their perverted fathers, and mind-slave mothers, just don't count as much as boys.  I may be wrong, but it looks to me to have something to do with lawyers having their eyes on the rich bags of money in the congregations of Catholic Church goers.  But justice, hmm...well, some lawyers will tell you of the pro bono work they do.  They just don't seem to do it anywhere near me.

That is capitalism for you.

And Law and Order Conservatism.


  1. Why I Am Anti-Republican - - I was, with some enthusiasm, working up my own list when I realized the whole concept can be expressed in one line: I am anti-Republican because Republicans are anti-Me. To elaborate beyond a single line: Every freedom I would claim, every liberty I would exercise, every just-leave-me-alone moment in which I would take refuge - they would deny, co-opt or outright prohibit.

    The judge and his personal brand of family discipline? Another example of too much unaudited power in the hands of one person. Just because you have the power doesn't necessarily mean you are qualified to decide when to use it. Sooner or later he will meet his match and it will not be pretty.

    -Chet Broadhurst

  2. Many thanks for your thoughtful comment.
    And thanks for visiting.

    Sorry I haven't been able to update lately. But I will get back to writing my blog again, soon.
