Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Suspicions of Conspiracy Validated

So what we suspected all along, namely, that there's a strong conspiratorial aspect to the nationwide police crackdown on the Occupy movement, is true.  It turns out that 18 cities nationwide were in on the secret.  The police were told by the very top dogs that if they wanted to receive some large cash federal grants they would turn the protesters out of the parks; and feel very free to use unrestrained violence.  Just don't use real bullets.  Other than that, do your worst.

Several big question arise:

  • In which agency, and in whose fevered little right-wing brain did the vile, albeit well coordinated conspiracy originate?
  • Why were the mayors so easily led into being puppet operatives for federal agencies their hearts had to tell them were criminally motivated?  Why so apparently eager to violate the US Constitution with treasonous action?
  • Why were the rank and file police officers, themselves, so agreeable to be exploited as the tools of repression?  Traitorous, downright anti-American  action does not necessarily go with the territory as far as fulfilling one's duties as a cop.  
  • What are we going to do about it? 
And that is the $64 billion dollar question.  Finding out who had the motivation to suppress the first stirrings of dissent among the American people, who have just rolled over and over as the 1% has robbed them of their wealth, the social position in the Middle Class, and their homes, and finally their jobs.  

And now they are saying ouch!

And somebody up there in 1% land is such a control freak--- added to all the other neuroses, starting with narcissism--- which are so eminently visible in the most wealthy and most powerful, that they must have it silenced immediately and for all time.  

My own inclination is to want to look very closely at the International Banksters, perhaps the Rothschilds; but even as I write this it becomes apparent that Goldman- Sachs also fits the profile.

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