Interesting to me, is the fact that not all police departments have taken the bait, namely the $15 million grants which the feds have offered to other police departments. But apparently greed got the better of the corrupt Oakland officials.
The one stipulation which went with the grant is that the feds want the police to employ brutality in dealing with their fellow citizens. More than one police department has returned or refused the grant as long as such conditions are attached. One can only applaud such integrity. And condemn the corruption of Oakland.
- In other words the fascist feds have come out of the woodwork at last and identified themselves as traitors.
Interesting to me, is the fact that not all police departments have taken the bait, namely the $15 million grants which the feds have offered to other police departments. But apparently greed got the better of the corrupt Oakland officials.
The one stipulation which went with the grant is that the feds want the police to employ brutality in dealing with their fellow citizens. More than one police department has returned or refused the grant as long as such conditions are attached. One can only applaud such integrity. And condemn the corruption of Oakland.
In other words the fascist feds have come out of the woodwork at last and identified themselves as traitors.
We can see plainly the cowardice of the police in the above video clip. And cowardice is all it is. It's outrageous that they would wear heavy riot gear and use lethal weaponry on unarmed and peaceful demonstrators. But when the Tea Baggin' Partiers showed up with their loaded guns, that was just fine with the police. No problem.
And to those same police I would leave this word of warning: you messed with the wrong guy when you severely injured an ex-Iraqi G.I. That was not only cruel and craven but it was a tactical error for your side that will have real consequences. You just helped to engage another few million citizens in the cause of the Occupy Wall Street movement. To the officials who ordered this appalling violation of Americans doing their Constitutional imperative: Your days of corruption, bribery, fraud, and masturbatory fantasies of Police State triumph are coming to an end. If not with the Wall Street protests then it will take another less peaceful revolution. And it will be you against your fellow American. And if the police lose, and they will, there will be reprisals. That is guaranteed. You will wish you lived in Russia.
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