What I started out to write about though, is the appalling situation in Wisconsin. Governor Walker is so very obviously one of the Koch brother's minions. And the Wisconsin State House Republicans yesterday voted unanimously to pass the worst and most treasonous anti-worker bill in US history. And the people who have protested are right. But the Koch brothers have begun a campaign of disinformation supporting Walker. After all, it was the Koch brothers' money that put a sleaze bag like Walker into office in the first place.
This video is the Koch brothers response to the Americans who rallied throughout America today. It is nothing but a pack of lies. Pure garbage. I show it here to give an idea of how low these conservatives will sink and how earnest they are about taking over America.
This video is the Koch brothers response to the Americans who rallied throughout America today. It is nothing but a pack of lies. Pure garbage. I show it here to give an idea of how low these conservatives will sink and how earnest they are about taking over America.