Wonderful idea! I'd say.
Speaking from her megaphone at the Washington Post, her article appears an arrow aimed at puncturing any such design. What I see is the White House sending signals of displeasure at the notion that the same committee that made such a gross blunder when they awarded Obama that very award in 2008, might try to over correct by awarding it to a real hero.
As if to display her liberal creds, she uses Martin Luther King as an example of how a hero ought to proceed. She quotes MLK extensively. But she disregards the reality that civil rights concerning the black community was more than forty years ago and worlds away from this issue. There is no model for how to be heroic in this era of very high-tek. This world is dominated by the likes of Booz Allen Hamilton --- a giant hi-tech surveillance contractor who is accustomed to getting those no-bid multi-billion dollar contracts from the NSA.
Even here, the way to truth is to follow the money. And the money leads directly to Booz Allen's door. And to Barack Obama's door. Obama garnered well over a hundred and forty seven thou from Booz Allen alone. Not to mention very generous donations to Hillary Clinton, Mitt Romney, and John Kerry campaigns among a host of other very well known politicians too numerous to name here. For an excellent discussion of the intimate, nay, cozy relationship between NSA and Booz Allen Hamilton, as well as both political parties, see the well documented article by David Sirota
"Simply put," Sirota says, "there are huge corporate forces with a vested financial interest in making sure the debate over security is tilted toward the surveillance state and against the critics of that surveillance state."
In describing heroic action, Marcus mentions Socrates, actually Plato's evocation of him in the Crito, where Socrates refutes Crito's plea to escape prison and death. She mentions this as a way to show Snowden isn't really a hero because he is unwilling to hang around and accept a corrupt government's prosecution against him.
I have referred to the same dialogue, the Crito, to contrast the philosophy and actions of Ayn Rand with those of a real philosopher, namely, Socrates. Rand railed against the philosophical underpinnings which helped to create Social Security and Medicare. Then she availed herself of both at the end. Rand was not a hero, by any stretch, nor even, when you hold her up to Socrates, a decent philosopher. She was a hypocrite. A nothing. Not worthy of mention.
Marcus mentions Socrates, but avoids the name of Thomas Drake. Drake did his best to alert the NSA and the CIA, and the FBI, and finally Congress about the threat of an attack on the World Trad Center on 9/11. Thomas Drake was thanked by being fired from his job, his name deliberately smeared, and threatened with imprisonment, for his trouble.