If you want to know why marijuana is still criminalized; yes, even medical marijuana, look no further. The banks! Why the banks? They make a lot of money buying up prisons around the country and privatizing them. Then they lobby state and federal legislators to increase the penalties for marijuana busts. The legislators for their part, are always happy to oblige the banks, since it means more under the table money in their pockets.
Thus, the prisons are kept full of otherwise innocent people. Then the corporations walk in and say Hey, paying a dollar a day to Chinese workers and then shipping costs --- that's too expensive, I want slave labor. Well, as close as you can get to slave labor without actually setting foot on the ground. Prison laborers are paid 20 cents an hour for hard labor, thus giving corporations even cheaper labor costs than China. And no shipping cost.
So the banks are imposing austerity measures on the Greek citizens. And as Thom H points out it isn't working. It has never worked. Ever. Austerity is the preferred method for destroying a sovereign nation. Literally. But watch the seven and a half minute video for a quick lesson in bankster crime. And the USA is on the short list.■