And then, George W. Bush, got so many of the Religious Right, the Evangelicals, especially in the flyover states, to support him. And this support was not merely a casual sort of voter support of a candidate.
This was loyalty such as we have not seen since peasants and knights loved and swore fealty to their king with a love that surpasseth understanding. This sort of thing is best illustrated by the woman in Ohio who said that if she saw George W. Bush take a gun and blow out her little boy's brains before her very eyes, she would still love that man. This huge support for a monster, who gave us torture, the illegal invasion of Iraq, is very disturbing. These Americans need to be shot for treason as well. With all generosity one might say, that such people did not know who they voted for. That his appalling policies disgusted them.
They could claim that the first time.
But they elected him a second time.
They are guilty and complicit as hell!
But here is video in which a respected investigative journalist talks about what he found as hard evidence demonstrating the treasonous nature of the family.