Back in the Fifties and Sixties, I was too young and stupid to pay attention to the way American Foreign Policies seemed to invade other countries around the world and set up it's own puppet regimes whose function, really, was to play potsy with Big Old Uncle Sam. And if they stepped out of line they got stepped on.
I did not know that the Shah of Iran was setup and enthroned by the CIA, who had arranged for the coup and eventual murder of the previous and freely elected president of Iran.
Well, I thought in my naive way, it isn't as if we went into that country and meddled with their politics and economics and their whole way of life, is it? But a terrible answer comes back. You mean that we were responsible for putting that monster Pinochet into office, and again murdering the freely elected people's choice.
This is America!
We believe in Motherhood, America and a Hot Lunch for Orphans.
Don't we?
Well, some of us do, and some of us, who are deluded, greed filled oligarchs, don't. Take a look at these videos and begin to understand, in the words of Harry Truman, that, "The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know."
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