The party that won did not really win, except through deceit. Yet the the pundits keep chastising the GOP as if they were a beloved family member who simply erred but as soon as they see the light all will be well.
I beg to differ.
The GOP has erred too many times to the detriment of humanity. Over and over they believe they have outsmarted the rest of us. This time gerrymandering, vote suppressing and the like, cannot go unnoticed. Like recalcitrant cons, they cannot be taken back in. Not without damage to not only humanity, and the rest of the species on earth.
They are poison to the planet as a whole.
The Democrats are not much better but they win by a tiny margin.
Climate Change, no let's call it what it is: Global Warming, is all the fault of the profiteering establishment. They are holding my family -- my loved ones hostage. And even if we give in to their obscene demands we still lose just by having such monsters around. What are their demands? Cutting taxes for the rich. And raising taxes on the poor, instead. And they ask us to believe their balderdash that Trickle down economics might actually work. It has never worked. And it never will.
They demand that we not take care of the poor either financially or through health programs. Paul Ryan wants to give old people $1,500 dollar vouchers to take care of all their health problems. And that includes dental.
Paul Ryan needs to be guillotined. His rotten head severed from his body. Same with Mitch McConnell. And John Boner, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Phil Gramm, the list is long but those are on the short list.
Conservatives should be gotten rid of altogether.
Removed from the planet.
They are not simply sweet people who made a series of blunders. They are absolutely certain they are right.
Convinced that their way is the only way.
Well, no more.
I would like them all shot. Or better yet -- their heads lopped off.
There is a psychological principle, known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect, that says that really stupid, offensive people inevitably overestimate their skill level. They give themselves away owing to the character flaw of being louder than the rest of us. They tend to be lewd, crude and ridiculous. Along with being resolutely obstinate due to the fact that they believe themselves to be a hundred percent right about their position. As a corollary, gifted people, people with something real to offer, tend to be uncertain, equivocal, full of doubt, quiet about their achievements, truly modest folk. They truly feel that what they can so easily do is merely something which anybody can do.
Thus we can see who is not needed in civilization. The loud ones; those who are absolutely certain of their position however foul it may be in the eyes of the intelligent, are the ones who need to be removed immediately.
Those who most crave positions of power, for example, are the very people who must not ever be allowed to be near such position of power. The same with money. Take the bankers out behind the barn and shoot them. The greater the love of money the sooner they get shot.
But take them back. No, I don't think so. It's too late for that.
I am not proposing WAR!
What I am proposing is that a very quiet underground, loosely connected, plan carefully, and simply kill certain offenders off. And all on the same night. Then they all go to the airports to get on private planes and be flown to a lovely beach somewhere to live happily ever after.
And yet even as I write this I begin to understand that these tiresome noisy folk are merely the stooges for something far more sinister and destructive: The men and women who are truly evil. The Satanists, the Illuminati, who tiptoe behind the scenes -- pushing and pulling; eagerly buying off this senator and that congressman.
We must organize.
We must make lists.
Who do we kill off first?
I must stop here. After all. This is just a revenge fantasy.
But if Jesus really loved me... hmm...
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Putting the Banksters Where They Belong
Why are banks involved in higher education?
In a civilized society the Federal Government's job understood properly, ought to be making higher education tuition-free for anyone who wishes to avail themselves. Banks need to stick to their job as footmen in the Temples of the Money-Worshipping Satanic Droids which all they are.
Who is there, still, who believes that banksters are models of virtue?
And looking back through the ages, who, among the wise has ever recommended the pursuit of money?
Not a one!
Given the dearth of arguments recommending banking and banksters, how is it that the Wall Streeters have earned such enormous respect in the world. After all, they dirty their hands with filthy money. Indeed, their spiritual hands are dirtier than someone who digs ditches. As it turns out, some of the most ardent proponents against legalizing marijuana are the banksters. And why? Because they enjoy laundering the immense wealth of the criminal drug cartels. The ones who drive tanks through the streets of Mexico simply to demonstrate their lawlessness, and their power, and their uncompromising ruthlessness. So it turns out that the banks are even more ruthless than the cartels.
An article in last Saturday's New York Times about how the banksters have overreached so far, so egregiously far, into our lives that I raced to the computer to see if I could convey the rage flowing through my body and mind. The sheer injustice of banksters in collusion with Congress, and other criminals in the temples of the money changers exceeds anything humanity has thus far witnessed.
Their lobbyists have outdone themselves.
In brief, a seventy-two year old womana took out a student loan back in 1970. She didn't finish paying off the loan. But that is neither here nor there. She is not cavalier about it. Depression, alcoholism and bad luck set in. She has made attempts to pay it off. But by now, the amount has ballooned from the $3, 400 of the original amount to more than $15,000.
She despairs of ever paying off this debt.
When she received her first SSI check in the mail she saw that one fifth of the check was missing. A phone call to SSI revealed that the banks had lobbied long and hard so that literally nothing but death would stand in the way of repayment of a Student Loan. Personally, I believe that nothing but death should stand in the way of the banksters going to jail. And Jamie Dimon being one of the first to go.
My thought is that the banks need, in the first place, to go to jail for what they have done to this country. And as yet not a single one has even come to trial. Nor even a hint of a trial. And if anybody should happen to mention that nasty little fact, they are met with faces twisted into expressions usually reserved for questions like "...why is the earth so far from the sun."
But the real issue is this:
Why is it, when with so many rip-off diploma mills, -- oh, excuse me -- they are now advertising themselves as "for-profit universities", shoveling, as they currently do, Federally subsidised tuition grants onto their plates and offering next to nothing in the way of education, that the Obama administration has not stepped up to create a program to forgive such loans in older retiree's, and to take on the banksters -- and make all higher education tuition-free?
There is the horrific story of women who thought they were working toward acquiring nursing degrees, but the only hospital they were able to visit courtesy of their online for-profit "university" was a Psychiatry Museum which belonged to the Church of Scientology. Some years ago I knew a man who was paid by The Church of Scientology to write in the dust on city buses, with his finger, this phrase:
"Psychiatry kills." Some Museum.
Too many seeking to better themselves through higher ed are being robbed by the banks and the craven bureaucrats of the federal government allow it. Why are the money-worshippers allowed this?
Let me tell you why: they've studied the techniques of the old Mafia gangsters. In fact, the old Mafia bosses would have blushed at the percentages of interest the banksters now charge for student loans. But here is the part which made me see red: banks may steal people's Social Security Insurance payments.
To be continued.
In a civilized society the Federal Government's job understood properly, ought to be making higher education tuition-free for anyone who wishes to avail themselves. Banks need to stick to their job as footmen in the Temples of the Money-Worshipping Satanic Droids which all they are.
Who is there, still, who believes that banksters are models of virtue?
And looking back through the ages, who, among the wise has ever recommended the pursuit of money?
Not a one!
Given the dearth of arguments recommending banking and banksters, how is it that the Wall Streeters have earned such enormous respect in the world. After all, they dirty their hands with filthy money. Indeed, their spiritual hands are dirtier than someone who digs ditches. As it turns out, some of the most ardent proponents against legalizing marijuana are the banksters. And why? Because they enjoy laundering the immense wealth of the criminal drug cartels. The ones who drive tanks through the streets of Mexico simply to demonstrate their lawlessness, and their power, and their uncompromising ruthlessness. So it turns out that the banks are even more ruthless than the cartels.
An article in last Saturday's New York Times about how the banksters have overreached so far, so egregiously far, into our lives that I raced to the computer to see if I could convey the rage flowing through my body and mind. The sheer injustice of banksters in collusion with Congress, and other criminals in the temples of the money changers exceeds anything humanity has thus far witnessed.
Their lobbyists have outdone themselves.
In brief, a seventy-two year old womana took out a student loan back in 1970. She didn't finish paying off the loan. But that is neither here nor there. She is not cavalier about it. Depression, alcoholism and bad luck set in. She has made attempts to pay it off. But by now, the amount has ballooned from the $3, 400 of the original amount to more than $15,000.
She despairs of ever paying off this debt.
When she received her first SSI check in the mail she saw that one fifth of the check was missing. A phone call to SSI revealed that the banks had lobbied long and hard so that literally nothing but death would stand in the way of repayment of a Student Loan. Personally, I believe that nothing but death should stand in the way of the banksters going to jail. And Jamie Dimon being one of the first to go.
My thought is that the banks need, in the first place, to go to jail for what they have done to this country. And as yet not a single one has even come to trial. Nor even a hint of a trial. And if anybody should happen to mention that nasty little fact, they are met with faces twisted into expressions usually reserved for questions like "...why is the earth so far from the sun."
But the real issue is this:
Why is it, when with so many rip-off diploma mills, -- oh, excuse me -- they are now advertising themselves as "for-profit universities", shoveling, as they currently do, Federally subsidised tuition grants onto their plates and offering next to nothing in the way of education, that the Obama administration has not stepped up to create a program to forgive such loans in older retiree's, and to take on the banksters -- and make all higher education tuition-free?
There is the horrific story of women who thought they were working toward acquiring nursing degrees, but the only hospital they were able to visit courtesy of their online for-profit "university" was a Psychiatry Museum which belonged to the Church of Scientology. Some years ago I knew a man who was paid by The Church of Scientology to write in the dust on city buses, with his finger, this phrase:
"Psychiatry kills." Some Museum.
Too many seeking to better themselves through higher ed are being robbed by the banks and the craven bureaucrats of the federal government allow it. Why are the money-worshippers allowed this?
Let me tell you why: they've studied the techniques of the old Mafia gangsters. In fact, the old Mafia bosses would have blushed at the percentages of interest the banksters now charge for student loans. But here is the part which made me see red: banks may steal people's Social Security Insurance payments.
To be continued.
Hey, America! Tear Down the FCC
Here is the real upshot of teaching children to obey authority: They get to be adults and find they cannot figure their way out of a sandbox. Case in point: Tom Wheeler, the director of the FCC, is leaning heavily toward giving Comcast the best blowjob they have ever enjoyed. Old Tom seems to be licking his lips despite what more than 3-4 million American citizens are shouting in his ear.
But so far the only thing all these people can think to do is yell a little louder!
The real solution is to demand that he lose his job. Dismantle the Federal Communications Commission. If a bureaucratic office no longer serves the needs of the people it is designed to serve, let's have a hanging. Put old Tom on the hot seat and ask him why he chooses not to listen to the people he was hired to listen to. But then Congress seems no longer disposed to ask such questions of the sock puppets of big business.
The American people know the answer but are hugely reluctant to face up to the real consequences of their timidity.
Tom Wheeler if not yet on the take is certainly drooling to taste his first real big fat dick.
Does anybody not yet know that The Congress of the United States of America is on the take.
So Congress wishes people like Alan Grayson, Bernie Sanders, Jeff Merkley, Elizabeth Warren, and a handful of others, would dry up and blow away. Lacking that, Karl "Nazi" Rove and the Billionaires, (sounds like a rock band, doesn't it) want to knock them out of the water with money. Flooding the TV screens with their noxious commercials.
If you want Net Neutrality, don't just shout in Tom Wheeler's ear: dismantle the entire FCC! Then put it back together the way you want it.
After all, this is a Democracy, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Big Money Equals Power Equals Corruption
I can only surmise how it must feel to subscribe heart and soul to a political world view which can only come into power by spending massive amounts of money and blanketing the media as the Nazi fascists did -- not so long ago. Heaven only knows the arch-conservative philosophical stance cannot win through an appeal to intelligence. It has long been said, that it is not necessary to be what Aldous Huxley, in his remarkable novel, Brave New World, termed Delta Minus's, (low scorers of IQ, i.e. janitors, etc.) in order to be conservative; but, interestingly, those with less than moderate IQ tend to be conservative.
Generally speaking, as we have seen in past presidential elections, Americans are liberal leaning toward progressive. You may argue, yes, but what about Bush/Cheney? The reality we must all face, is that the Supreme Court of the land interfered illegally in that election, (the Constitution provides only for the electorate, and the Electoral College to decide elections.) But Unconstitutional partisanship ruled the Supreme Court then -- as it does now.
If the GOP were an honest and upstanding political party, Gore would have been president. Bush/Cheney would have been out with the bums where they belonged. And more than a million of the Iraqi people's lives would have been spared; which the Bush/Cheney administration termed mere Collateral Damage. But the moneyed interests, largely oil, pushed hard behind Bush and won.
Thus did our soldiers murder whole families, innocent families, by the way, remember Falujah, where the soldiers went from house to house killing everyone in the house; Fathers, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and children. And the American people -- still reeling from 9/11, said nothing. Like sheep set out for tigers' meals they kept largely silent simply noting what little truth was made available to them. And what lies were told to the American people by way of the Main Stream Media, were legion, and appalling, were also told to the Congress.
Remember that Bush/Cheney allowed no dead soldiers to be photographed! Journalists were forbidden to photograph those flag draped coffins. Instead, Bush said to America:
"Go shopping," he said.
The Republican Party is the party of ultimate wealth.
And whose only function is to serve the rich! Especially those who don't like to pay taxes, just as everybody must pay taxes. But they want you to pay taxes -- while they luxuriate tax-free on their yachts.
To subscribe to them is to proudly proclaim that your values are corrupt.
The Republicans may criticize Democrats, but they have nothing to offer We, the People. As I noted above, the entire pupose of the Republican Party is to serve the few, the American oligarchy. Said oligarchy was exactly what the founders of this country feared might come into being; and now it has. And now they don't want you to know their true motive, so they muddy the waters with threats of lawsuit of President Obama, and with Mitch McConnell's threat to shut down government again.
No wonder they need to spend so much money on elections.
Nothing the conservative can do or say can be of benefit to the American people.
Here in Oregon we have outvoted wealth and the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars, and we have elected whom we wanted. The super rich fear us, more than any other. They fear our intelligence, education, and our independence of spirit.
Let's do it again!
Generally speaking, as we have seen in past presidential elections, Americans are liberal leaning toward progressive. You may argue, yes, but what about Bush/Cheney? The reality we must all face, is that the Supreme Court of the land interfered illegally in that election, (the Constitution provides only for the electorate, and the Electoral College to decide elections.) But Unconstitutional partisanship ruled the Supreme Court then -- as it does now.
If the GOP were an honest and upstanding political party, Gore would have been president. Bush/Cheney would have been out with the bums where they belonged. And more than a million of the Iraqi people's lives would have been spared; which the Bush/Cheney administration termed mere Collateral Damage. But the moneyed interests, largely oil, pushed hard behind Bush and won.
Thus did our soldiers murder whole families, innocent families, by the way, remember Falujah, where the soldiers went from house to house killing everyone in the house; Fathers, mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and children. And the American people -- still reeling from 9/11, said nothing. Like sheep set out for tigers' meals they kept largely silent simply noting what little truth was made available to them. And what lies were told to the American people by way of the Main Stream Media, were legion, and appalling, were also told to the Congress.
Remember that Bush/Cheney allowed no dead soldiers to be photographed! Journalists were forbidden to photograph those flag draped coffins. Instead, Bush said to America:
"Go shopping," he said.
The Republican Party is the party of ultimate wealth.
And whose only function is to serve the rich! Especially those who don't like to pay taxes, just as everybody must pay taxes. But they want you to pay taxes -- while they luxuriate tax-free on their yachts.
To subscribe to them is to proudly proclaim that your values are corrupt.
The Republicans may criticize Democrats, but they have nothing to offer We, the People. As I noted above, the entire pupose of the Republican Party is to serve the few, the American oligarchy. Said oligarchy was exactly what the founders of this country feared might come into being; and now it has. And now they don't want you to know their true motive, so they muddy the waters with threats of lawsuit of President Obama, and with Mitch McConnell's threat to shut down government again.
No wonder they need to spend so much money on elections.
Nothing the conservative can do or say can be of benefit to the American people.
Here in Oregon we have outvoted wealth and the spending of hundreds of millions of dollars, and we have elected whom we wanted. The super rich fear us, more than any other. They fear our intelligence, education, and our independence of spirit.
Let's do it again!
Monday, April 28, 2014
The Oligarch's War on We, the People
But we don't!
You may have noticed that the Congress passes any bill that is supporting the Corporations, and they pass them in both houses of Congress in a matter of days, sometimes of hours. But anything that the American people want, that for some reason despite the constant assurances that Congress is on our side, for some reason or other it just doesn't seem to happen.
So sorry, say the polititians. I wish there was something we could do but our hands are just so tied. You know how broken Washington is. And well, this is just one of those things which shows how bad things are, don'chyaknow?
So these are some things which begin to percolate as I am watching the documentary on Gene Sharp's work on How To Start A (non-violent) Revolution! It has already worked for several dozen countries. It even worked in Egypt. Trouble was that after the downfall of Hosni Mubarek, and the successful democratic election of Morsi, the people thought it was all over and they could safely go home. But they did not see that the military was waiting for their chance to fuck things up! And so now, even though the revolution non-violent, Egypt still has a tyrant government in the form of the Military Generals. First the generals questioned the results of the election. Then sensing that Morsi's government being new, was weak they marched in and arrested Morsi and simply took over whether anybody liked it or not!
So there goes the carefully worked out theories of Isaah Berlin at Cambridge University. Berlin delivered some years ago, a lecture in which he said that violent revolution always produces a brutal dictatorship, the very opposite of it's original intention. Egypt is therefore an important development in the evolution of political dissent and revolution by the oppressed peoples of the world. One must be wary of the stupids!
The Blockheads!
The Military!
(To be continued.)
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Secret Agencies A Danger To America
The trouble is that these secret agencies which we can see are spinning out of control, at the end of the day, we find they don't work for us, the American people.
They work for the traitors.
The Anti-Americans.
The plutocrats and oligarchs.
That would be the Koch Brothers, the Sheldon Adelsons, Karl Icahn, Jeffrey Immeult, CEO of General Electric and protege of Jack Welsch, Capitalism's most monstrous creation; Lockheed-Martin, Halliburton, Nestle, Coke, Jaime Dimon of JP Morgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan,.. you get the picture. And that is merely the short list of persons and corporations dangerous to America. And the list would not be complete without the Department of Homeland Security which at last count employed more than 250,000 people. And last but by no means least, The Supreme Court's very own John Roberts' Gang of Five; all five of those justices need to be removed from office. Scalia is simply a scoundrel; Clarence Ding Dong Thomas is a liar, not very bright and a follower of Scalia, and Alito who felt the president has unlimited power until Obama got into office. Then Alito felt the president should have no power at all. Roberts himself an obviously abused little boy trying to be good and conservative at the same time. And the conservative swing voter, Kennedy.
And not only much of the corrupt judiciary, but the Executive Branch as well. Not to forget the Military. The Pentagon. Not all of these are secret agencies, granted, but all of them are ready to violate the US Constitution at a moments notice. Especially -- the above are ready to eliminate your civil rights with the greatest of alacrity.
And not only much of the corrupt judiciary, but the Executive Branch as well. Not to forget the Military. The Pentagon. Not all of these are secret agencies, granted, but all of them are ready to violate the US Constitution at a moments notice. Especially -- the above are ready to eliminate your civil rights with the greatest of alacrity.
Good question.
The only thing which comes up is: the rich, the billionaires have all the money. And have bought out the Senators and House of Representatives. Obnoxious as it seems, it does explain in every way why the Democrats are so wimpy about real issues. Why they will never stand up to Wall Street. Or the Republican Party.
I wouldn't really care if they all were at war with each other.
But they are not.
They are are united in their War on the 99%. ▀
I wouldn't really care if they all were at war with each other.
But they are not.
They are are united in their War on the 99%. ▀
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Colin Powell's Party
This alone, makes me ashamed of my American background. I am glad to see that my people arrived in this country from Ireland some time after the Civil War.
Powell is correct. Racism is indeed, despicable. And yet while he criticizes the GOP, there is nothing in him which would reject Republicanism. He cites the fact that his father and grandfather were Republicans.
So what?
I grew up with a grandmother who hated FDR so badly that one could not bring up the name in her presence without it being noted that you were asking for trouble. My mother voted for Reagan. I had a very difficult time forgiving her for that. Wouldn't even speak to her for several years.
Not until she lay dying.
If I could overcome all of that sort of Republicanism then surely Colin Powell, who has achieved so much more in this world than I. I am a zero. Powell is a giant. So what is stopping him from doing the right thing. Namely, walk away from the Republican party. It isn't what you think it is. The GOP is now the cradle of more corruption than Powell can imagine. Dishonorable men, altogether. Liars, frauds, war mongers and mediocrities. And proud of it!
Just as I overcame the Roman Catholic Church's indoctrination. Granted, I still love a great cathedral. I just don't buy the doctrines, dogma and all the rest of the crap from the Roman Church. The Inquisition was reason enough for the Church to cease its existence and if it were in any way a decent religion it would have recognized its gross error and walked away from all spiritual claims. In my view, the Roman Church has just a little too much compassion for itself.
Just as I overcame the Roman Catholic Church's indoctrination. Granted, I still love a great cathedral. I just don't buy the doctrines, dogma and all the rest of the crap from the Roman Church. The Inquisition was reason enough for the Church to cease its existence and if it were in any way a decent religion it would have recognized its gross error and walked away from all spiritual claims. In my view, the Roman Church has just a little too much compassion for itself.
And as for Republicanism: Well, let me simply say to Colin Powell, this::
"When you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas." ▀
Saturday, March 8, 2014
From Decadence to Dust
Decadence unto Death.
So much for the culture of selfishness and greed.
The great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright put it best. Wright's observation went like this:
America is the only country in recorded history to go from primitive to decadent with no discernible intervening culture.
So where did we go wrong?
Well, here is a nice little word for you: COMPASSION. Chew on that one for a while. Take your time. Chew thoroughly.
Compassion is the only mode or path by which a civilization may survive.
I am not talking about Compassion as a nice little extra which may or may not enter the fabric of culture according to the whim of the individual. Quite the contrary. Without compassion as the outstanding characteristic of any given culture, it will fail sooner rather than later. Such a culture does not have a chance.
History is filled with fallen civilizations. Indeed lost civilizations are more the rule than not. Even the longest lasting and highest achieving civilizations such as Egypt, China, and India, which recorded history for 4,000 years each, eventually fell to decadence. And from decadence to dust.
And those are just the civilizations which lasted long enough to be recorded or to leave behind a record of their passing. It seems the only destination of any human civilization.
If you want to make war, or exploit a people, go right ahead but keep in mind that you will ultimately fail. Or if you don't fail you will lead your tribe into failure. It is written in the DNA of Selfishness and Greed.
Medieval Christianity was correct in naming GREED as one of the 7 DEADLY SINS.
Rome, and Byzantium had their heyday and then got mired in excess. Greed, Gluttony, Slavery, led them into decadence. In fact, those are a few of the very qualities of decadence.
* * *
Milton Friedman was one of the most influential economists of the latter 20th Century. Friedman came out of the Chicago School of Economics, at the University of Chicago, when the department was headed by one Friedrich von Hayek, who, himself, came out of the so-called Austrian School. Friedman was so important an economist, hawking as he did, Capitalism with a big C.
One of Donahue's questions had to do with Greed. Friedman came back quick and asked Donahue "Do you know anybody who isn't greedy, Phil?" And when Donahue had no quick and easy answer, Friedman followed it up with this: "Of course you don't. Greed is a universal human trait. And everybody has it." Friedman touted greed as if it were a virtue to be cultivated.
But history has posted its warning over and over again. Now America must choose which path it wants to take. The naked greed of Wall Street and the oppression from the Fascism which comes naturally from all the wealth being held by 1% of 1% of the population. And really the proportion is considerably smaller.
Or shall we rise up as a people, nobly and with honor. And say with Thom Hartmann, you may have One Billion Dollars BUT, you may not have more than One Billion Dollars. Period.
Friday, February 7, 2014
NSA, Fascism, and Right Wing Media
But here's the point: all of the evidence gathered from the WTC ruins point to a false flag inside job. And when anybody of importance steps forward to point this out publicly, all of the mainstream media suddenly pile on him to try to make him or her look like a nutcase.
So the real conspiracy is right there in plain sight: Why does media persist in trying to make anybody who steps up with hard evidence look trivial, ridiculous or worse, insane? Traitorous, even!
I can think, offhand, of some very good reasons. They are reasons nobody even in liberal media wants to spell out, though the evidence points overwhelmingly in one direction. Namely, that since the right wing media (and it is all or 98% of it, right wing media. This bullshit fable of Liberal Media, while once true, is now a myth used by Right Wingers to fight off charges of treason.
Very quietly, first Reagan, then GHW Bush, and then GW Bush castrated the FCC. George W Bush placed Colin Powell's son as its Chairman; of which there is no more loyal Right Wing extremist!) So the Right Wing marched in and said all media can be owned by whoever wants to buy it. Whereas originally, one could only own one or two sources of media in a single community, now you can own it all.
But not so fast!
The Right Wingers snapped it all up during that window known as the Bush administration. And that is why Warren Buffet famously has said that "...America is definitely engaged in class warfare..."
And his side is winning.
Actually, the one percent has already won!
And all of the owners and publishers of media, The Suits, are members of the Tribe of Righties. They know all about the who, what, why, and where, in fact, responsibility for 9/11 and more, much more, lies.
But they are keeping mum.
For at least the next 50 years.
You know how it goes. Now, after more than fifty years some real information is leaking out about the JF Kennedy and Robert Kennedy assassinations, as well as the death of Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby, not to mention Sirhan Sirhan, and even the CIA agents who were photographed at each of those assassinations. It is also true that such information can be found on the Internet. Now do you begin to understand why Comcast, and Verizon and any of the large corporations are so hell bent on acquiring the exclusive ownership of the Internet?
Today, all American based multinational corporations are Fascistic in their corporate culture. Big Agra, Big Pharma, Big Oil, Coal, and so on. All of them are anti-American liars! Oh, yes, Fox News! Populated entirely by LIARS! I will talk more about Fox's disposition toward lying outright, bald faced lying. And makes no bones about it! They lie the way you drink coffee in the morning. Of course, they are owned by one Rupert Murdoch, who, although one of the worst criminals in the world, is still strolling the boulevards and most likely will never be brought to trial. Rupert Murdoch has powerful protectors in Congress.
Newt Gingrich is one of Rupert Murdoch's most ardent protectors.
After observing the scene for many years I can only conclude that the entire right wing conservative movement is nothing more than a collection of pirates, liars, murderers and traitors.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
The Koch Brothers Exposed
These are very bad people.
Their father made his money in Russia in the 30's with the help of Stalin. So to start with, the Kochs are
anti-America. It is fair to say that everything that is wrong with America right now, all the negative reports about Obamacare, all the climate denier reports, the fracking, is the result of deliberate campaigning by the think tanks formed by the traitorous brothers. Everything you have heard about the buying and selling of the United States Congress, your senator and representative --- and mine --- is all due to the heinous activity of the Koch brothers. And they have not stopped at the Congress, the 2 now entertain the radical conservative elements of the Supreme Court.
Hanging is too good for them.
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