ny deal which allows big oil to continue with business-as- usual is execrable for us, the citizens of the world, but excellent for big oil and its handmaiden corporations like Halliburton, KBR and the like.
The latest update on the BP trial is that we are now told that BP has agreed to a settlement for damages for the lawyers and the families, (if the families can pry the money loose from the lawyers dead fingers.) And that the figure agreed to is somewhere around $7.81billion.
There those who think this is a very generous figure.
And then, there are those, like ME, who find this pathetic; bordering on insulting. Myself, I would like to see the big banksters in a place, dark and austere, where they will be getting fucked regularly from both ends and nobody has to buy them dinner and roses the next day. And even though that may not happen during my lifetime, I know that it will eventually happen. The big banks have been running the show for much too long. They will, at some point in the near future, step over the line and public opinion will force the government, however reluctantly, to bring them all to actual trial and find them guilty of crimes against humanity. It is something I have no control over, and neither do they. It is just the way the cookie crumbles. The big cosmic Pendulum has begun moving in the other direction now. After nearly 35 years of calling the shots, Republicanism is sliding rather quickly down the tubes. Even at the zenith of their Power, the crooked corporations are already beginning to fail.
Public Enemy Number One is Big Oil; and Public Enemy Number Two is the Big Banks.
People who ingest marijuana are sent up the river for ten, twenty, thirty years by an inflexible and fraudulent ethical code of justice. Well, then simply change the laws. Prod Congress to legalize it. Well, guess what? We tried that. But then the Big Banks started buying up the prisons, privatizing them. Offering the poor states some much needed cash in exchange for their prison systems.
Why did the Big Banks suddenly find the privatization of prisons so attractive? Well it turns out that manufacturing corporations are frustrated with the price of labor in China. It's just so darned expensive to pay a buck a garment, then bringing it to market for about--- oh, take Liz Claiborne's ratio of price of factory manufacture to point of purchase, is from $1.75 including materials and labor; throw in another 25 cents for shipping, brings the final price to about $150.00.
Whew! You can hardly make a dishonest buck anymore.
So the banks through their privatized prison labor are able to make that more profitable by paying the workers less than the slave labor wages paid in China and it cuts out the whole cost of shipping.
Why am I mentioning all of this and what does it have to do with legalizing marijuana?
Marijuana an invaluable and highly effective palliative, which does its job quickly and delightfully; and very importantly, it has no side effects at all, unlike the poisonous pills of Big Pharma; along with guaranteed pain relief, marijuana is an excellent mood altering plant, which tends to add spiritual insight into the user's mind stream.
Well, since more laborers are needed to work as slaves in the privatized prisons owned really by the Banksters, the Banks send their lobbyists to meet with members of Congress to push for harsher laws so that more people will go to jail and serve much longer sentences as a part of the slave work force.
Sounds diabolical doesn't it?
But if you steal the natural resources of the earth which belong to all people, destroy the earth's treasures, its oceans, and manage to kill, nay, murder, from 11 to 25 people in the process, you are treated like Mister Big Shot and governments vie for your favor. Admiring crowds elbow each other in their haste to touch their foreheads or their tongues to your jackboots.
So now, regarding this deal where Big Oil gets to literally ruin a huge part of the world, and kill all the workers, for which they will agree to pay less money in fines than they make in a single quarter in profit, do I think this might be a bad deal?
Hmm. Um, yeah, sorta.